Final Stats
Miles Travelled: Around 650
Total height climbed: 7,775m
Water drunk : 100 litres (70% by Rob)
Yop drunk : 25 litres
Bread eaten : 34 French sticks
Injuries sustained by Rob
- Toe blistering from walking in cycle shoes that are too small
- Continuing back sprain
- Intermittent left knee injury
- Brief inside of right knee strain
- Hand pain from "too much vibration"
- Bruising and grazing down right hand side from crash
- Left shoulder sprain from "pulling too hard"
- Fingertip pain from wearing gloves that are too small
- Genital numbness - this is normal, right?
- Blistering on left heel
Injuries sustained by Simon
Problems experienced with Rob's Bike:
- Loss of rear wheel nut
- Rear wheel inner tube blow out
- Spare inner tube had broken valve
- Rear tyre gash
- Front brake blocks wore out
- Rear brake cable snapped
- Handlebars twisted in crash
- Pannier rack got caught in rear wheel
- Display fell off right gear shifter
- Strange clicking noise from bottom bracket
- Minor warping of rear wheel
Problems experienced with Simon's bike
- Chain snapped
- Pannier rack got caught in rear wheel
Things Simon wished for that immediately appeared
- Calamity Jane's restaurant and campsite
- Griffin Vultures
- The source of the lake noises (Coypu)
- Campsite with a washing machine
- Pieces of metal with which to fix Rob's panniers
- Public toilets (although they were French)
- Municiple Campsite outside Nimes
- Picnic tables to have lunch (several times)
- Place with good Cave paintings
/[Simon tch, just good planning, eh?]
- There are poodles everywhere in France
- Every region has its own variety of bread, but they are usually just
- normal French bread in a slightly different shape
- In the Pyrenees, every valley has its own culture and architecture
- Brie and Coloumbers taste exactly the same
- French water isn't that bad after-all
- All cheese becomes soft cheese when left in a pannier for a day
- If you don't finish it, the ants will.
- The French are very bad at signposting
and not very good with toilets
as for signposting toilets...
/[Simon - the signposts were frequent, but in regional languages. The maps were in French, The result, tricky. Still, as you've heard, we only got lost once...]
Things that Rob lost
- Shower Gel
- Sun Tan Lotion
- His funky wrap-around cycling glasses
Interesting places we considered camping
- The beach
- On top of a mountain
- The grass in the middle of a roundabout
- In the supermarket
(avez vous un emplacement pour un petit tent
dans votre congelateur)